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Centering Meditation for Confidence & Ease (1 min)

Centering Meditation for Confidence & Ease (1 min)

Centering Meditation for ease and confidence (1 minute) This is a quick meditation you can do anytime to connect with your center, feel more confident and at ease. Enjoy with the sound on and video full screen 💛. (You can turn on closed captioning if you need to see...

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Find the Humor – It Will Save Your Life!

Find the Humor – It Will Save Your Life!

Things can get pretty serious when we’re caught up in the daily struggles and drama of life. There’s a lot of things that are NOT funny. But then if you look just over to the side, there’s a little bit of absurdity, quirkiness, playfulness and self...

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Are you making a decision from fear or empowerment?

Are you making a decision from fear or empowerment?

It’s easy to get drawn into making a decision from a place of fear. But what about choosing to make it from a place of desire or empowerment. Fear is closing, empowerment is opening. Sometimes we need to make a quick decision and fear help us to move away from...

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Do less for more success?

Do less for more success?

When my clients want to do something new or bigger, they often want to do a lot to get there, in a short amount of time.   But when we humans try to do too much to make a change, we get resistance from our mind, body & emotions on top of the work that it...

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How to Price a New Service

How to Price a New Service

 When you have a new service, product or want to ask for a compensation amount for a new job, this can keep you spinning around for a while.  All these things can come up around money and the value that we GET to work through and evolve to a new level (peel back a new...

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Tips For Making Decisions

Tips For Making Decisions

The fatigue from making decisions can take away from everything else creative. OR can be a convenient distraction.   Here are my top tips for getting clarity:  1. Write it down and all the things you need to pull up from memory. I recently bought a course but...