The fatigue from making decisions can take away from everything else creative. OR can be a convenient distraction.
Here are my top tips for getting clarity:
1. Write it down and all the things you need to pull up from memory. I recently bought a course but before I did, I needed to look at all the courses I had bought in the past to make sure I didn’t already have the tools I needed (I’ve bought A LOT of courses). Don’t keep it in your head!
2. Write down what you want. Is this decision going to be a way to get you there? Or is it just a quick fix that’s not addressing what you really need? Write about it.
3. Have you checked out all the details? Do it. Reach out if you’re not clear.
- Get quiet. Meditate. Sleep on it. Clearing your head will do wonders for your intuition.
- Ask. Ask your intuition, guides, higher power, angels – whoever’s got your back and gives those nudges to do or not do things.
- Listen. I either hear it or feel it usually but if it’s a tough one I receive it with tools like a pendulum, oracle or tarot cards.
6. Finally, what’s the worst that could happen? If it works out, great. If not, you learn something. You are resilient and wise