hello world

Find the Humor – It Will Save Your Life!

Find the Humor – It Will Save Your Life!

Things can get pretty serious when we’re caught up in the daily struggles and drama of life. There’s a lot of things that are NOT funny. But then if you look just over to the side, there’s a little bit of absurdity, quirkiness, playfulness and self...

hello world

Are you making a decision from fear or empowerment?

Are you making a decision from fear or empowerment?

It’s easy to get drawn into making a decision from a place of fear. But what about choosing to make it from a place of desire or empowerment. Fear is closing, empowerment is opening. Sometimes we need to make a quick decision and fear help us to move away from...

hello world



One of the best ways to support yourself in being successful is to celebrate your wins – no matter how small you think they are! This is the way to grow and keep going with your business and personal evolution. It’s tempting to be hard on ourselves and belittle...

hello world

Calm the Chaos

Calm the Chaos

My favorite thing to do when there’s a lot going on and uncertainty is all around (it’s always there!) :   S I M P L I F Y.   2 questions that help me get clear on what to do:   What can I let go of or at least set aside for a while to see if I could...